
Friday, July 18, 2014

Grazebox for Independence!

I've actually had this box for a number of days already but I usually like to take my time and try everything out before I make my post so that I can review it at the same time I'm sharing what I actually received rather than just going on blind assumption that something will taste good or bad. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to make sure I properly represent this box.

Makes sense, right? Well, to start off, this time around the box goes from sensible, natural brown to a very cute red, white, and blue print for the 4th of July. How festive! I loved seeing the change. So cheerful and fun!

And here is what came inside. Fruity Mango Chutney with black pepper dippers. Lightly Toasted Pistachios. Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl and Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie.

I was the MOST excited about this flavor. As delicious as it SOUNDS it really wasn't that awesome. *sad face* The nuts tasted a little south of stale... they were on that weird soft-side where it felt they had sat out in humidity post-roasting and then sat around in a warehouse too long. The vanilla fudge was sort of hard. Tiny little hard blocks. I had also been under the assumption that the cookies would have been peanut butter cookies, but silly me, they were chocolate. That is not a complaint, just not what I would have gone by with the name. But you can see in the package and ON the package they are chocolate. I give this an "Eh."

Next thing I tried was the mango chutney. I did not care for this. Now the little cracker-stick things were great! But I am not a chutney girl. I just have never cared for it. It's like you take three questionable things and mix them together for what I would liken to spicy piss-jelly. Mango usually tastes rotten to start with. I don't mean it tastes bad, I mean in nature it just tastes like something that is 2 days away from fermentation. Vinegar is always very yes or very no for me. And then you add hot pepper flakes for that perfect what-in-the-actual-yuck factor. Never again, thanks.

This next one was delicious. How could they not be? It's pistachios. The perfect snack, in my opinion. 

Last up we have the Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl which was blueberry yogurt covered raisins, raspberry flavored cranberries and black currants. I decided to save this one for breakfast instead of having it as a snack. It worked out pretty well, though I think if I ever get this one in a box in the future I will just savor the raisins on their own. They lost something inside my yogurt. The following pictures is basically just a tease of my delicious breakfast. 

Chobani Simply Vanilla and Raw Ohio Honey. Mmmmm/

Add scrums


Mix and enjoy! So good!

 This box was a little hit or miss for me. I hope the next two boxes REALLY blow my mind. 

Oh! And if you guys would like to try it for yourself... enter the code you see below. You'll get your first and your fifth box for FREE!! 

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