My Lootcrate arrived today, much to my surprise. The shipping is lightning-quick! I have mixed feeling on this particular month's box as I guess I was expecting a bit more bang. The shirt is awesome. It's Link but he is made entirely out of adjectives from the LoZ games (or pertaining to heroic figures in general, either way..)
The other stuff I was kinda disappointed in. There was a little tin containing a mystery figure from Adventure Time. Don't get me wrong, I love Adventure Time. It's extremely weird and funny but honestly what the hell am I going to do with a little figure. Maybe I'll glue him to the top of my monitor or something? There were also a bunch of stickers, temporary tattoos, and a mystery Minecraft figure/hanger (HANGER? WTH??). I have never played Minecraft so I guess I just kind of don't "get" it. Does this mean I'm an old fart?? *GASP*
There was also a pretty sweet Lootcrate Legend of Zelda bottle opener/keychain. I love that. I suppose for the shirt and the keychain it was kinda worth it but I am really hoping next month is a little more exciting.
Please feel free to chime in and comment if you recognize something and can explain it to me. Like the temporary tattoo thing. I do not understand what the fuck the pink mustache has to do with the Adventure theme. Like, at all. So if you know, please enlighten me.
If you'd like to start getting a crate of your own every month,
click here to sign up!! Don't forget to enter the code MAYLOOT and you'll get 3 bucks off your first crate!
And now for the fun part, the photos!!
My crate o' loot. |
I love the shirt. <3<3<3 |
A closer look at the shirt. |
Shirt Selfie. Sans much needed makeup except for that Fever lipstick I was playing with. |
It is a rather cute little tin |
I really would have loved to have gotten the Ice King or BMO |
Is this NOT the most adorable bottle opener of all time?!? <3 |
Random Minecraft dude. |
May's pin. Lootcrate has a different one every month |
I have NO idea WTF this is.... |
Yep. Still no idea WTF this is.... |
I also don't know WTF this is either. I mean beside a temp tattoo. 0.o |
Stickers. |
More stickers |
Are you excited?! |
Decapitating Jake |
He is dead now. |
I am tearing out his guts. |
Oh dear Jesus, he ate a boy!! |
It's Finn! Aww. |
I didn't know Minecraft had skeletons? |
I approve. |
Skeleton is attempting a sexy pose before becoming a permanent fixture on my walker. \m/ |
All in all, this is not a bad crate. It wasn't the best. It was not what I had envisioned, but I could have done a lot worse. I will find something to do with the stickers (walker). I don't know about the tattoo or the "soundtrack" but we will see. The skeleton is TOTALLY my fuckin' jam, though. And Jake and Finn are cute. *shrug* Not bad for 15 bucks, really (with shipping and the discount code).
If you don't want the Minecraft dude, I'd take him. My kids are hardcore into Minecraft. Just let me know a price you'd want for it and all that jazz. :) Also, LOVE the nail polish!!! :)